Admin Dashboard: Overview

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This page provides an introduction to your admin dashboard. In depth guides are available for each menu item.

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When creating a freelancer marketplace with Whitelance each tenant will receive an email with the link to their admin dashboard together with their username and password (which should be reset). On the left hand side of the admin dashboard are the menu items to change the content and style of the marketplace, to enable/disable various marketplace features, to prepopulate lists and to monitor the marketplace’s users, their transactions and their jobs. Specifically, the menu items are:

  • Users: Lists your users’ data including name, email, registration date, ID and customer type (freelancer, customer, agency, etc). Check their activation status based on the platform requirements- for example a freelancer may need to upload their profile picture, work experience or post code prior to profile activation. ‘Login As’ a user if they need assistance or lose access to their account. See their Stripe balance and transactions, set a custom tax rate for each user from the ‘Tax Manager’. View their profile’s basic information. All this data can also be exported as a CSV file.
  • Categories: (Previously ‘Services’) Categories and sub-categories are created by the administrator to assist the matching process between freelancers and potential jobs. When a customer posts a job it must be posted into a specific category (ie Marketing, Web Design, Photography), and freelancers’ tag the same categories in their portfolio and work experience items. Freelancers with relevant categories are displayed to customers when they post jobs. Customers can filter freelancers and freelancers can filter jobs based on categories.
  • Skills: Tags that freelancers can add to their profile to showcase the skills that they have. Can be used to match freelancers with jobs, based on the job skill requirements.
  • User Messages: A new channel is created when a freelancer and customer message each other within a job. The same freelancer and customer can have multiple channels- one for each job. Each individual message can be seen with its relevant date/time.
  • Jobs- Jobs, Proposals, Milestones: The ‘Jobs’ menu item has three subitems- Jobs, Proposals and Milestones. This menu item provides all the relevant details relating to posted jobs, the proposals sent forth for that job, the freelancer(s) that were selected for the job and the current status of each milestone (task) within a job. View budget, value of each task, payment status and more.
  • Invoices: Whitelance automates the invoice process for our users. An invoice is automatically generated for each milestone upon its completion and is sent to the relevant parties. Admins can see the information pertaining to each invoice such as value, commission, tax, date, freelancer and customer.
  • Transactions: List of transactions that occur through Stripe with links to view each transaction in Stripe. There are different transaction types that occur when a payment is made, all of which can be viewed within this menu item. These include the payment collected, commission held, fees retained and freelancer payment.
  • Subscriptions: Tenants can choose to charge subscriptions to their users. Different subscription plans can be made for each user type (customer, freelancer, agency), all of which are managed from this menu item.
  • Reviews: All the reviews that the users of your platform have received. The admin has control over the created reviews, as they can approve or reject reviews that do not meet their community standards.
  • References: This section can be enabled from your platform settings page. References can be imported when creating an account for freelancers to prove their experience with past employers. The admin can vet each item by contacting the past employer and approving or rejecting each relevant work item.
  • Content: Download the language file of your marketplace and make changes to the content of any page and section. Save as a .json format and reupload the language file for the changes to be made. The content of the entire marketplace can be translated into another language in this way.
  • Payment Gateway: Where the tenant puts their own Stripe data (API keys) to connect their marketplace with Stripe. This is how commissions, taxes, fees and subscriptions are transferred to your Stripe account. This is also where the commission fee is set (if desired). The tenant can choose whether they want their Stripe balance transferred to their own bank account automatically each month, or whether they would rather do it manually. There is a link to a guide on how to set up Stripe in this menu item.
  • Styling: Enables tenants to brand their marketplace as they want to. Change favicon, background images, button styles, margin spaces, marketplace colours, logo etc.
  • Settings: Contains a list of all features that can be enabled/disabled by the administrators for their marketplace to operate as desired. A topic item with all available features and their guides is available in our documentation. Additional features are being continuously added.
  • SEO: Most pages of our marketplaces are internal (not public), reducing the use of this menu item. Browser title and description can be set here. The marketplace’s marketing page will attract the most traffic and assist with search engine optimisation.
  • Data Types: Create custom data items for customers and freelancers to match with. There can be an unlimited number of items and subitems for the users to choose from. These data types can be used to match based on language, skills etc.

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